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Low-Fi World

Motion Design/ Graphic Design/ Concept

We live in a world where we can consume hundreds of images and videos with a simple gesture.
I pondered on the idea of making the digital content we consume a bit more sustainable.

Low-Fi World is user-unfriendly website.

This project is a website that presents and consumes digital contents in a different way.

By redesigning the visuals and consumption methods of digital content
that we watch in everyday life, this websites raise an awareness impact of digital content.

To visualise this awareness, I conceived this website by thinking about both perspective, creators and consumers.
As the creators, by using low size visual cosidered sustainability of content.
As a consumers, by changing the gesture for consuming content considered what’s behind our high quality images.
Basically, the content on this website is displayed in dithering, ASCII art, halftone and pixel to reduce file size.
These methods are used in the past to effectively transmit images with minimal file size.
I reconfigured low tech methods to create the aesthetics of the website.

How to use Low-fi World

This website has no mouse and can only be navigated with the keyboard.
We need to explore this website in a new way,
like the graphic below, rather than how we are used to it.
To view the images and videos, you need to step on the keyboard with your feet fast
to improve image quality or to play the video.

This project encourages us to rethink about our attitude and influence of using digital world.